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JustCTF Extra Safe Security Layers writeup

6 minute read

This Challenge is about exploiting cross site scripting with a strict CSP in place along with XSS Santizer and other restrictions , the interesting part in t...

Open Source HackTheBox Writeup

4 minute read

In This Box we are facing interesting Stuff like Docker , git hooks and other stuff. first we got access to a docker in the machine by overwritting the appli...

meme generator challenge writeup

1 minute read

This challenge was in Blackhat CTF Qualifications 2022 and we have participated under the team 0xCha0s, we have managed to solve multiple challenges. this ch...

Timelapse Hackthebox writeup

4 minute read

In this Box we are against a windows machine has the active directory service installed on it , we can list files on smb shares and access some shared folder...